SQL Away through simulated data!
The page is a result of experimenting with a new framework and simulating data at runtime using a JavaScript data loader. The data, stored in a CSV file, is queried using SQL queries through DuckDB. Navigating through different documentation helped me create this page. I aimed for it to be interactive and informative, so I developed a way for visitors to input their SQL queries and view the results in a table format.
Here's data you're working with
const db = DuckDBClient.of({gaia: FileAttachment("data/customer_orders.csv")});
SQL cheat sheet:
- SELECT: extracts data from a database
- WHERE: filters the data
- GROUP BY: groups rows sharing a property
- ORDER BY: sorts the result
- HAVING: filters groups
- LIMIT: limits the number of rows returned
Your SQL query here
const sql = view(Inputs.textarea({value: "SELECT name as NAME, total_pounds as TOTAL FROM customer_orders.csv WHERE number_of_items > 2 ORDER BY TOTAL LIMIT 5", label: "SQL query here:"}))
Your SQL query RESULT
Inputs.table(await db.query(sql))
Your histogram here
title: "Histogram of " + column,
marks: [
Plot.rectY(customers, Plot.binX({ y: "count" }, { x: column, fill: "aqua" })),